VSG Post-Op Soft foods Best Crockpot Chicken Curry 21 gms protein

24 Aug


Chicken Curry


My dad arrives from India today so I have to make something his 90-year body (and teeth) can enjoy, AND tomorrow is soft foods day for us! yay! We were told to eat meats that were out of a crockpot or pressure cooker so they were soft. So here goes.

This is massively modified from Anupy Singla’s Indian Crockpot book  to a) not make enough to feed the entire state of Texas and B) not to blow the roof off your head with her version of spice.
I’m Indian. Believe me when I tell you, this is the BEST chicken curry I have ever had and the EASIEST.

1 onion peeled & quartered
5 garlic cloves peeled
2 inches ginger root sliced roughly
2 tomatoes, quartered
I tsp salt
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp garam masala, can buy ready mixed or use this recipe

1/2 cup greek yogurt
1.5 lbs of chicken, skinned
1 bag of baby spinach
1 2 inch piece cinnamon
4 green cardamom
2 whole cloves

1. In a food processor, grind together everything except the chicken and the spinach and whole spices. Make a nice, smooth paste. This may take a few minutes, be patient.
2. Put the chicken pieces in a crockpot, and pour over the yummy-smelling sauce you just made. Put in whole spices
3. Chop up the spinach and add during the last hour of cooking.
4. Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4 until chicken is tender.

Us Sleevers may have to eat the chicken without the sauce and eat the sauce separately.

Makes 6 servings of chicken (3 ozeach, 21 gms of protein each.

4 Responses to “VSG Post-Op Soft foods Best Crockpot Chicken Curry 21 gms protein”

  1. Michael Kiefer September 9, 2013 at 3:25 pm #

    I absolutely love these Indian style WLS recipes!


    • sleevers September 9, 2013 at 3:49 pm #

      Thank you! We like spicy food and I’m not a big meat fan. So I try to “disguise” or enhance the meat taste with other flavors to add a little zing to it. Do try this curry. It’s my favorite curry recipe ever and it’s so easy to make that my son who is in grad school makes this weekly. Hey, if a college kid can make it, we can make it, right? 🙂


  2. Rasheeda Alford September 29, 2013 at 6:25 pm #

    I love curry chicken and have always wanted to learn how to cook it. Thanks can’t wait to try this recipe.



  1. Cabbage with Fennel Seeds | sleevers - January 3, 2014

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